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11 May 2008

Himalayan Quest: Ed Viesturs on the 8,000-Meter Giants

Ed Viesturs
**** 1/2
This is really a picture book with a few introductory pages and extended captions. I saw it at 3rd Place Books for not much money and picked it up along with True Summit. Having read Viesturs's No Short-cut to the Top just a a few days ago, I couldn't resist. The pictures fill out his text nicely and many of them are very good. Every caption is matter of fact. The pictures -- with rare occasions -- are undramatic in terms of human struggle. Viesturs is afflicted with being so good, he rarely gets into trouble. The most dramatic scenes in his accounts involve saving other climbers or coming upon their bodies. I like this book even if it isn't dramatic. I like pictures of high places.